Tag: Tech
Mono Repo vs. Micro Front-ends with Next.js
In the world of web development, the architecture of your project can significantly influence its scalability, maintainability, and performance.
State Handling in React JS
React's component-based architecture enables developers to create reusable, composable UI elements.
NextCloud on Synology Docker 2024
NextCloud is a widely used hosting solution that offers an integrated office suite, allowing users to utilize the platform in a manner similar to services such as Dropbox and Google Drive.
Dockerizing a React App in Simple Steps
Docker allows you to package your React app along with its dependencies and configuration into a container
Top 5 ways to structure a frontend project
Open-source projects you get very little chance to structure the project, but you still can set guidelines upfront
How to write short JavaScript code?
I know some of you have never used short syntax JavaScript statements for example if/else vs. ternary statement.
CORS in NextJS
Setting up CORS is always a challenge for people who are not really from server-side application backgrounds.
Aria is not my thing
I am reading a lot about accessibility guidelines and met/working with some people who are responsible to deliver accessible experiences
My first Strapi project experience
I found Strapi as a good example since it is not only popular these days but comes with nearly zero bootstrap footprints.
Host your Strapi project
In this article, I will walk you through the Strapi CMS setup on your local machine followed by deploying it to Heroku.
Responsive vs. Adaptive Design
One of the regular topics which usually comes in every discussion before starting a website is actually a bit confusing too.