Every space has a story

My first Strapi project experience

26 February 2021

When I was looking for some NodeJS based powerful CMS I found Strapi as a good example since it is not only popular these days but comes with nearly zero bootstrap footprints.

I would like to categorize my article into three main questions which we generally ask whenever we choose a new framework or library.

What is Strapi?

Strapi is the leading open-source headless CMS that is based on 100% Javascript and fully customizable and developer-first.

Why Strapi?

I am using WordPress for the past 7 years without any complaint but whenever I install it I have to live with its default data types which take too much time to customize. On top of it, you need to have depth knowledge of how it works if you want to add/remove any field.

On the other hand, if you are using Strapi it offers you to define your own content types and data structure. No matter how many/fewer fields you want in your blog or page, you can define them with ease.

Following are the key features that I do like about Strapi:

Technical aspect

User experience aspect

My opinion?

After having these many benefits I like to recommend Strapi for small to medium scale projects since it still needs some improvements in order to manage a heavy load of traffic. My opinion is based on some experiments and a hobby project only. Feel free to share your experience.

Stay connected, I’ll showcase my Free strapi project hosting set up in my next article.